Saturday 20 April 2013

[review] The Face Shop lovely me:ex enamel jelly tint in enamel red

This is my first liptint and gonna be my favorite liptint :)
i'm too afraid too try bloody red color. when i passed by the face shop counter, i asked the salesgirl about liptint and she recommended this... i love it because it's mixed between tint and gloss, we don't need to worry about chappy look (horraayyy)

it's available in 2 colors : enamel pink and enamel red. i choose 2nd colors (enamel red). i bought this only idr 100.000, maybe it'll cheaper if u by online

as u can see in the photo, the color is so sheeeerrrrr... :(, u can get sweet color in two swipes

do u know yupi candy?? it smells really similar!! when i applied on my lips, feels like i wanna lick and swallow it because of the smell.
i really love the glossy effect :), we don't need lipgloss. actually with onl one swipe , we can get the pinky color like the pic above, but the color will apperar after 3 or 5 minutes. in addition, don't swipe the gloss, let it fade by itself because it will give more vivid color ;). it's last for 5 hours without eat ( drink only) besides that u have to reapply. Don't forget to apply lipbalm before.

apllied on inner lips

i recommended this liptint for highschool or college student (like me) who wants simple makeup

repurchase?? definitely!!!
rate : 9/10

[review] Holika holika Luminous Silk in light beige

berhubung bb cream missha udah mau abis, aku niatnya mau ganti brand lain niihh.. soalnya bb cream yang satu itu bikin aku jerawatan. sayang banget yaaa, padahal best seller loh di korea sana :)
kebetulan aku dapet sample dari  Holika holika Luminous Silk in light beige.

here are the swatches  ......

as u can see, the color doesn't suit with my skin tone, maybe shade 2 (natural beige) will  suit me very well :)

when i applied on my face

if i use bb cream, i always use light powder such as the face shop lovely me:ex angel skin powder pact :)

- good coverage ( cover redness, blackhead )
- high spf
- nice scent
- cheap ( u can get 50ml for only idr 135.000 , interesting ryt??)

- nothing (bacause i dont use it regularly, i just got sample size)

purchase the full size?? yeess ( too bad i have to replace m perfect cover because it makes me break out)

Rate: sof far i give 8,5/10 (i'll update when i buy full size)

Sunday 14 April 2013

[review] Holika Holika Honey Sleeping Pack in Canola

ini pertama kalinya aku cobain sleeping pack. ga pernah beli karena masih belum tau manfaat sebenarnya dari sleeping pack itu apa. baru baru ini aku dapet sample dari sleeping pack holika holika ini yaitu honey sleeping pack in canola. karena samplenya lumayan banyak jadi aku mutusin bisa di pakai 2 malam.

this is my face when applying sleeping pack

when i woke up in the morning and take a pic.

sebelum ku buka pack ini 'i thought it would be as sticky as honey and the scent too', then ' i was wrong'. wanginya tetep enak dan ga terlalu lengket. saat mask ini nyerap ke kulit pun wanginya masih kecium.
saat bangun tidur rasanya kulit lembab dan nyaman. pas ngaca aku merasa kalau satu satunya jerawatku yang besar ini mengempis (really amazing).

Pros :
- moisturizing
- lovely scent
- in my combination-oily skin it doesn't cause broke out
- it gives little miracle with my pimple

- lil bit sticky

rate: 8.5/10

Thursday 11 April 2013

[review] Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream no 23 natural beige

helooo,, aku mau review bb cream pertamaku. karena aku fans tvxq xp, dan liat banyak review yang bagus tentang bb ini. awalnya mau tau warna apa yang cocok sama kulitku dan aku nyobain testernya di counter missha. warna kulitku pas banget sama no 23 ini, awalnya mau langsung beli dan pas nanya ternyata harganya idr 300.000 untuk 50ml, sedangkan di indonesia mereka ga jual yang 20ml, akhirnya mutusin buat beli online aja deh. karena gak tau cocok apa gak di kulitku makanya aku beli ukuran 20ml.



ini dia swatch dari missha bb cream


- great coverage
- look flawless and dewy finish.
- last for 6 hours in my face (according to the weather)
- high spf

 - too bad it's make me broke out :(

i don't know, maybe i'll try other brand

Rate : 8,5/10

Wednesday 10 April 2013

[review] The Face Shop Black Label in Soft Coral

lalalaaa... abis begadang ngerjain tugas kuliah,  sekalian aja aku mau ngereview lipstick (lagi)
Gara gara abis liat video nya beautifymeeh yang pake lipstick ini jadi teratrik mau nyobain juga.. tadaaaaa... ini dia warna lipstick yang aku cari cari The Face Shop Black Label in Soft Coral


teksturnya creamy , dan kasih efek glossy . tapi glossy nya cuma tahan sampai setengah jam gitu, selebihnya jadi mate. 


warnanya cantik dan pas banget kalu dipake ke acara atau kegiatan yang santai kayak jalan2, kuliah ..

saat di apply di bibir, warna pertama sama kayak yang diatas ini, tapi lama2 warnanya brubah jadi agak pinky tapi tetep okeeee.

                                               (the real color is lighter than this pic)

Pros :
- CHEAP!!! affordable price  (kalau beli online sekitar idr 50.000 , kalau di counter sekitar idr 100.000)
- beautiful color
- easy to blend
- little moisturizing

Cons :
- my chapped lips more visible
- doesn't long lasting
- gives me dry feeling

note:do not use this with lipbalm, because it'll  cakey

repurchase?nooooo,, i do love the color, but i don't like how it feels on my lips (so heavy)
rate 6,5/10

Tuesday 2 April 2013

[REVIEW] Maybelline Watershine Pure PR31

hellooo.... sekarang aku mau review lipstick Maybelline Watershine Pure PR31, dari namanya kita udah tau kalau lipstick ini kasih efek glossy finish. Udah lama banget beli lipstick ini, dan jarang ku pake, karena baru baru ini aku jadi suka pake lipstick liptint dan lipgloss..

efek glossy lipstick ini ga keliatan kayak kita abis makan gorengan, bahkan kalau kita hapus lipstick ini dengan tissue (tanpa lip remover ya ) bibir kita jadi terlihat pinkish

rate 8/10

repurchase? no, i'll try other brand and color.