This is my first liptint and gonna be my favorite liptint :)
i'm too afraid too try bloody red color. when i passed by the face shop counter, i asked the salesgirl about liptint and she recommended this... i love it because it's mixed between tint and gloss, we don't need to worry about chappy look (horraayyy)

it's available in 2 colors : enamel pink and enamel red. i choose 2nd colors (enamel red). i bought this only idr 100.000, maybe it'll cheaper if u by online
do u know yupi candy?? it smells really similar!! when i applied on my lips, feels like i wanna lick and swallow it because of the smell.
i really love the glossy effect :), we don't need lipgloss. actually with onl one swipe , we can get the pinky color like the pic above, but the color will apperar after 3 or 5 minutes. in addition, don't swipe the gloss, let it fade by itself because it will give more vivid color ;). it's last for 5 hours without eat ( drink only) besides that u have to reapply. Don't forget to apply lipbalm before.
repurchase?? definitely!!!
rate : 9/10
i'm too afraid too try bloody red color. when i passed by the face shop counter, i asked the salesgirl about liptint and she recommended this... i love it because it's mixed between tint and gloss, we don't need to worry about chappy look (horraayyy)

it's available in 2 colors : enamel pink and enamel red. i choose 2nd colors (enamel red). i bought this only idr 100.000, maybe it'll cheaper if u by online
as u can see in the photo, the color is so sheeeerrrrr... :(, u can get sweet color in two swipes
i really love the glossy effect :), we don't need lipgloss. actually with onl one swipe , we can get the pinky color like the pic above, but the color will apperar after 3 or 5 minutes. in addition, don't swipe the gloss, let it fade by itself because it will give more vivid color ;). it's last for 5 hours without eat ( drink only) besides that u have to reapply. Don't forget to apply lipbalm before.

apllied on inner lips
i recommended this liptint for highschool or college student (like me) who wants simple makeup
repurchase?? definitely!!!
rate : 9/10